
Americana - 15/11/2009

Logo for Americana - 15/11/2009

Matt Frei talks to newsman George Stephanopoulos and civil rights attorney and political commentator Arsalan Iftikhar about the news that's in the forefront of American minds. The three discuss America's strategy for moving forward in Afghanistan, the healthcare debate and the impact of the Fort Hood shootings on the American military and America's civil liberties. Americana visits Dearborn, Michigan where community members discuss the challenges faced by American Muslims in the wake of the shootings at Fort Hood. Dearborn has one of the largest concentrations of American Muslims in the world. Matt Frei talks to Kamran Pasha about how American Muslims at Fort Hood are feeling about their service. The American company Kraft Foods has put in a hostile bid to takeover Cadbury. Americana travels to Hershey, Pennsylvania where Hershey Kisses line the streets and tourists come to visit the chocolate town. Chocolate lovers there are asked, 'How would you like it if an international company tried to launch a hostile takeover of your chocolate company?'.