Alex brings his own combination of music and conversation to early weekday mornings, making this The Best Time of the Day Show. National Shed Week continues with more humorous tributes to "the box for thinking outside the box in". More tales of things you just can't resist doing, including putting your finger in the parrot cage even when the parrot itself warns you that it bites, and we continue to find alternative uses for all of the redundant flags and bunting following the World Cup failure. All of this, plus the doors to the 4.15 One-Off Canteen welcome a new batch of unique individuals. Lester's Library selections have a theme this morning; one is a new track from Alabama 3, and one is a vintage tune from Alabama. Any ideas? Hear another track from Album of the Week by Kylie Minogue, Record of the Week from The Hoosiers and Pause for Thought with Becky Silver at 3.20am.