
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1

Logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1

Children's programme in Gaelic

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Creutairean Leumnach (Connie the Naturalist - Hop to It)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Creutairean Leumnach (Connie the Naturalist - Hop to It)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag shows pictures of a grasshopper and a rabbit from her photo collection.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Dealain-Da
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Dealain-Da

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is proud of her photo collection. She shows off her pictures of butterflies, but needs help to take some more.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Measan (Connie the Naturalist - with Fruits)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag 's na Measan (Connie the Naturalist - with Fruits)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag shows off her collection of fruit photos. She has one of a cherry and one of a lemon.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag's na Creutairean Sgiathach (Connie the Naturalist - Flying Things)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Blarag's na Creutairean Sgiathach (Connie the Naturalist - Flying Things)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag shows us pictures of a dragonfly and an eagle from her photo collection.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Ca ite bheil Uilleam - Cal na Slige! (Where's Wally - Shell Shock)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Ca ite bheil Uilleam - Cal na Slige! (Where's Wally - Shell Shock)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Can she find Wally?

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Càite bheil Uilleam-Anns na Craobhan! (Where's Wally - V/Tress)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Càite bheil Uilleam-Anns na Craobhan! (Where's Wally - V/Tress)

Gaelic children's cartoon.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam - Cal an Da-Chasach!
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam - Cal an Da-Chasach!

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Wally could be hiding behind one of three animals.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally?)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally?)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek. She has to choose between a bush, a rock and a tree. Can she find Wally bird?

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally?)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally?)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek. She has to choose between a bush, a rock and a tree. Can she find Wally bird?

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Caite bheil Uilleam (Where's Wally)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek. Where's Wally bird hiding? To find him, Blarag needs to find a pile of oranges.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Da-omhaireachd 's an t-Isean (Detective Connie: The Case of the Missing Chirp)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Da-omhaireachd 's an t-Isean (Detective Connie: The Case of the Missing Chirp)

Children's cartoon. Blarag is looking for a little chick. Let's help her find it!

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Dathein Chaillte (Detective Connie: The Case of the Missing Flower)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Dathein Chaillte (Detective Connie: The Case of the Missing Flower)

Children's cartoon. Blarag is looking for her grandma's favourite flower.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Leamhann-lair
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Leamhann-lair

Gaelic children's cartoon. We have to help Blarag find a green chameleon, following clues and looking at the colours carefully.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Uigh Chaillte (Detective Connie: The Case of a Missing Egg)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Detectibh Blarag: Daomhaireachd an Uigh Chaillte (Detective Connie: The Case of a Missing Egg)

Let's play detectives with Blarag and find a lost egg, which is green with red spots.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Dol M-e-e-e M-e-e-e! (Birds of a Feather - with Little Lamb)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Dol M-e-e-e M-e-e-e! (Birds of a Feather - with Little Lamb)

Children's series. Blarag helps the smallest lamb in the flock find its mummy because she knows what sound sheep make.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Na Biastagan Beaga Sia-chasach (Birds of a Feather)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Na Biastagan Beaga Sia-chasach (Birds of a Feather)

Children's cartoon. The stick insect is looking for his brother. Blarag helps him because she knows what the brother looks like.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Na Biastagan Sia-chasach (Birds of a Feather with The Ant)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Na Biastagan Sia-chasach (Birds of a Feather with The Ant)

Gaelic children's cartoon series. Blarag helps the Ant look for another insect to make friends with.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan an Dathein (The Flower Puzzle)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan an Dathein (The Flower Puzzle)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Help Blarag with the flower puzzle and learn to recognise different shapes, colours and parts of a flower.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan an t-Seangain (Bhriste)/The Puzzle (If It Ain't Broke)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan an t-Seangain (Bhriste)/The Puzzle (If It Ain't Broke)

Children's cartoon. Blarag has a puzzle which shows how to tell the difference between the ant's body parts.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan na Craoibh (The Puzzle)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan na Craoibh (The Puzzle)

Gaelic children's cartoon. Let's help Blarag with her tree puzzle and learn the difference between the branches, the trunk and the roots.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan na Muice (The Puzzle)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Taimhseachan na Muice (The Puzzle)

Children's cartoon. As we help Blarag with her puzzle, we'll learn how to tell the difference between the pig's head, its snout and its trotters.

logo for Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Tòimhseachan na h-lolaire (The Puzzle - The Eagle Has Landed)
Ag Ionnsachadh Le Blarag - Series 1 - Tòimhseachan na h-lolaire (The Puzzle - The Eagle Has Landed)

Children's cartoon. Let's help Blarag with her eagle puzzle and learn about the eagle's body parts.
