
Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs

Logo for Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs

Series of three stories by Frances Fyfield examining the life of the deceased Joe Bloggs from the perspectives of those who knew - or thought they knew - him best

logo for Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Murray
Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Murray

Joe and his lawyer Murray shared a passion for collecting fine art, but it was Joe who hid the stuff. Now Murray waits for the two women, but who holds the right key?

logo for Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Shirley May
Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Shirley May

Joe Bloggs is dead, but who knew him best? His first love, Shirley May, has never really let him go. The week before he died he sent her a key through the post but the key to what?

logo for Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Theodora
Afternoon Reading - The Burying of Joe Bloggs - Theodora

Joe was Theodora's fourth husband and they met at an auction house. Like Shirley May, she also has a key.
