Comedy by Alan Stafford exploring the bizarre world of musical humorist Gerard Hoffnung. It is 1956, and the fruity-voiced raconteur, tuba player and occasional Quasimodo impersonator Gerard Hoffnung is about to unveil his latest madcap scheme, a Hoffnung Music Festival: a full-scale symphonic concert that will bring many of his cartoon creations to life and poke fun at the pomposities of classical music. Will he succeed in filling the Royal Festival Hall with laughter, or will the whole enterprise come crashing to earth like a barrel of bricks? Gerard Hoffnung/Psychiatrist 2 ...... Matt Lucas Annetta Hoffnung ...... Gina McKee Donald Swann/Ian Messiter ...... Stephen Boswell Malcolm Arnold/Bean ...... Nicholas Jones John Amis/Roy Plomley/Richard Dimbleby ...... Jon Glover Arthur Drummer ...... Hugh Bonneville Susan Drummer/Announcer ...... Felicity Montagu Annetta Hoffnung (present day) ...... Herself Directed by Lissa Evans An Above the Title production for BBC Radio 4.