Gordon Corera looks inside Britain's Secret Intelligence Service
DetailsDonald MacIntyre presents a special programme on the life and career of Michael Foot.
DetailsComedian Micky Flanagan charts the ups and downs of his life.
DetailsComedian Micky Flanagan charts the ups and downs of his life
DetailsIs it possible to start a new career midlife? Midlife Relaunch asks people who've tried.
DetailsSheila McClennon explores the role of food in children's fiction.
DetailsFrom Westminster Cathedral with Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster
DetailsFrom Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral with the archbishop of Liverpool, Patrick Kelly.
DetailsFrom St Anne's Cathedral in Leeds, with the Right Rev Arthur Roche, Bishop of Leeds.
DetailsCan the patriotic poems which inspired boys a century ago still move young men today?
DetailsEmma Johnson links the music of Milton's verse with the work of his composer father.
DetailsSeries exploring the development of the science of psychology during the 20th century
DetailsBenjamin Zephaniah examines why Jamaican patois is the slang of choice for UK teenagers.
DetailsComedy by Lesley Bruce about two very different women who run a service together.
DetailsMiranda Hart serves up a cocktail of stand-up, sketches, song and dance
DetailsNina Perry interweaves the observations of people for whom mirrors are part of daily life.
DetailsJulian Barnes and Hermione Lee on the Victorian writers and artists who went to France