
You and Yours - 18/01/2011

Logo for You and Yours - 18/01/2011

On Call You and Yours with Julian Worricker this week we ask what impact is shop price inflation having on you, the rising cost of fuel and transport, and now the increase in VAT? Do you accept the reasons that we're given for the price hikes... are you having to change aspects of your lifestyle to accommodate them, or are you still finding ways to spot a bargain? Just last week the UN warned that world market prices for rice, wheat, sugar, barley and meat will remain high or register significant rises in 2011 - perhaps replicating the crisis of 2007/08. Do we really understand why the global market impacts on the cost of food in our shops here in the UK? An opportunity to contribute your views to the programme. Email [email protected] or call 03700 100 444 (lines open at 10am).