
Waybuloo - Series 2 - Pod Men

Logo for Waybuloo - Series 2 - Pod Men

Series set in the magical land of Nara, inhabited by the joyful and gentle Piplings. Join Lau Lau, Yojojo, De Li and Nok Tok as they learn Yogo, meet children and have fun. Lau Lau and Yojojo are making a Pod Man. Nok Tok sees it. He decides he'd like to make a Pod Man too. When he tries, the Pod Man's head falls off! De Li tells him to ask the other Piplings for help but Nok Tok wants to make it on his own. When the cheebies arrive, Nok Tok's Pod Man is still without its head so they all offer to help him. This time Nok Tok agrees and the cheebies find some mud to stick on the Pod Man's head. Then Nok Tok decides he will make something different and with the help of the cheebies he creates a giant Pod Man face.