
Tinga Tinga Tales - Series 2 - Why Ostrich Sticks Her Head in the Ground

Logo for Tinga Tinga Tales - Series 2 - Why Ostrich Sticks Her Head in the Ground

Why do Zebra have stripes and Leopard spots, Rhinos horns and Camels humps? Tinga Tinga Tales tells a modern, young audience what really happened. There was a time when Ostrich was all covered in feathers and unlike all the other birds, Ostrich wasn't very good at flying at all. One night in Tinga Tinga Spider decided to make Jackal a pair of wings so that he could fly up to the moon and stop howling! Jackal and Spider stole the feathers from Ostrich's neck and legs until she looked like a very big plucked chicken! The next day Ostrich was mortified and stuck her head in the ground so that Lion couldn't see her. And it was perfect - because Ostrich looked just like a bush!