
The Koala Brothers - Series 5 - George the Sportsman

Logo for The Koala Brothers - Series 5 - George the Sportsman

Frank and Buster, the Koala Brothers, are on a mission: to help others whenever and wherever they can. From their isolated homestead in the Australian outback, they fly out on daily patrol in their aeroplane, looking for anyone in need of help. Join Frank and Buster in their adventures with Ned, the little wombat, Mitzi, a feisty possum, Penny, an independent backpacker penguin, George, the turtle postman who worries about being too slow; Archie, the sports loving crocodile; Josie a shy joey who helps Sammy the echidna in the General Store, and many more. Throughout their adventures, Frank and Buster always try to live up to their motto: We're here to help! When Mitzi organises a sports day, George finds lots of excuses not to take part, but the truth is that he doesn't think he is good at anything apart from being a postman. The Koala Brothers find out the truth and do their best to train him, but nothing seems to work until they find something he is good at, and make that an official event at the sports day.