
The Archers - 30/01/2009

Logo for The Archers - 30/01/2009

Tom seeks out Helen to talk to her about the situation with Brian. He's very unhappy. He's done some market research with his customers to see how they'd feel if the sausages he was selling were organic. The results were pretty much what he was expecting, with the price being clearly important. He and Brenda have been talking about getting another backer, so he can buy Brian out. Helen is robust. Tom should have the courage that Pat and Tony had all those years ago. He should buy Brian out and bring the pigs back to Bridge Farm. Oliver has a serious conversation with Caroline. He explains about Ed wanting to expand the business and admits he can't raise enough enthusiasm. When Caroline tells him how much she'd welcome increased support running Grey Gables, it gives him food for thought. Susan tells Jolene about Neil's idea for a take-away and a DVD to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Jolene tells her to get on and organise a surprise party instead. Susan can have it at the Bull Upstairs and Jolene will give her a good deal. Susan loves the idea. She can't wait to see Neil's face. Episode written by Carole Simpson Solazzo.