
The Archers - 25/01/2009

Logo for The Archers - 25/01/2009

Jill and Jennifer are concerned at how busy Alan's going to be now he's got the other churches too. Alan assures them he likes a challenge, and he's getting some support from the church wardens. asks after Shula, who wasn't at the service, and Jill makes the excuse that Shula's busy at the stables. Alan knows about this - it was the reason she gave him for not being able to take the occasional service at one of the other churches. Jill calls on Shula. Although she does appear busy today, Jill tries to get her to open up. But Shula's not giving anything away. Brian still can't understand Tom's stubbornness. Jennifer's fed up with Brian's bad mood and thinks it's time Brian offered Tom some kind of concession. If Tom's determined not to budge, he should call the supermarket deal off. Brian still believes he can make Tom see sense but, in the Bull, Tom would rather leave than accept a drink from him. David notices the atmosphere between them but Brian insists it's just a bit of a spat that'll sort itself out. Episode written by Carole Simpson Solazzo.