
The Archers - 24/10/2010

Logo for The Archers - 24/10/2010

Nic reassures Clarrie she's had a good chat with Will about Ed and Emma. Nic's happy about Emma's pregnancy, as it'll be good for Jake and Mia too. Nic points out its been stressful recently for Will, as it's less than two weeks before his first shoot. Harry's plans to make a slap up roast dinner are scuppered when Jazzer polishes off the special cider he needs for the pork. He then accidentally incinerates the meat by turning the oven up too high. Dining instead at the Bull, a fed up Harry ponders auditioning for the panto, and Clarrie mentions that Jazzer has some experience there himself. Kenton tells a cheerier Jolene he fancies more time off from Jaxx, and plans to make more time for his mum. Kenton learns that Kathy won't be at the Bull's Halloween night, but Jamie will. Talk of Jamie gives Kenton a momentary wobble. However, he recovers with a proposition for Nigel: Nigel can play Count Dracula to Kenton's Van Helsing. Nigel wonders why Kenton's so keen to go. Kenton suggests he might even appoint Jamie as Van Helsing's apprentice.