
The Archers - 24/02/2010

Logo for The Archers - 24/02/2010

Joe tells Alan that Phil's service was just right. He hopes he'll get as good a send off. Alan accepts Joe's offer to pitch his tent outside Keeper's Cottage rather than in the churchyard. Joe won't charge him rent this time. Peggy struggles to get Jack to eat his lunch. Ted teaches her some tricks he's learnt to encourage Violet to eat. Peggy thanks him for his help. Jill's clearing out kitchen cupboards to keep busy. Insecure Kenton asks her whether Phil was proud of him. He didn't have anything in common with him, unlike David and the girls. Jill assures him that Phil loved them all deeply. He was proud of Kenton for travelling. After living in a small village all his life, Kenton seemed like a pioneer to him. Alan's frying sausages for supper. Joe and Kenton join him. Alan suspects that might be the real reason Joe invited him to camp there in the first place. Alan asks them to contribute to supper by making a donation to his refugee charity. Kenton willingly gives him five pounds but Joe's reluctant to pay up. Alan makes it clear that no money equals no grub. Episode written by Nawal Gadalla.