
The Archers - 22/06/2010

Logo for The Archers - 22/06/2010

Tom thanks Jazzer for stepping in to help patch a stretch of hedge. Jazzer's happy for the overtime, although Tom wasn't aware that was the agreement. Jazzer wouldn't mind another piece of pie in payment too. Everyone who's sampled Jill's veal and ham pie rates it highly. Jazzer's looking forward to Fallon's return from New Zealand tomorrow, so normal service can be resumed. Kate calls to tell Jennifer about her phone interview with Felpersham University. Kate's voluntary work at the orphanage impressed the admissions officer, as did her recent qualification and her online manual, so she's overlooking Kate's lack of UK qualifications and recommending her for a place in September. Kate wants to wait for actual confirmation before she tells Phoebe. Tom's surprised to see Brenda, who's come back to tell him about Matt's job offer. Tom can't believe she'd even consider it, after the trouble Matt caused her and Tom. Brenda understands this but the job sounds like an excellent career opportunity, and it means she'll be back living with Tom full-time again. Despite all Tom's protestations about working for Matt, she's going to make the decision herself, and she's currently leaning heavily towards taking the job.