
The Archers - 22/05/2009

Logo for The Archers - 22/05/2009

Brenda is revising for her finals, and finding Vicky hard work. Vicky, on the other hand, is concerned for her and very understanding - poor Brenda, she's really missing Tom. Having invited herself along to Neil's birthday party, Vicky is the life and soul. Mike is clearly proud of her, but Susan and Clarrie are a bit taken aback. While she's lovely, and very friendly, and a lot younger than Mike, she's not quite what they were expecting. They thought she'd be... well, a bit more like Betty. Tom is at home when someone arrives asking for Brenda. He tells the man she's at her dad's before he realises that it's Chalkman. Chalkman duly arrives at Willow Cottage and pushes his way into the house. Brenda is terrified, but Tom arrives in time to stand up to Chalkman and see him off. Brenda collapses into Tom's willing arms. Realising now what Brenda was up against with Chalkman, Tom apologises, and asks Brenda if they can get back together. To which Brenda's reply is an ecstatic 'yes!' Episode written by Tim Stimpson.