
The Archers - 21/07/2008

Logo for The Archers - 21/07/2008

Pat's pessimistic about the outcome of Wednesday's planning meeting; Matt has the ability to pull strings. But Lynda's more upbeat, remarking that the tide's turning on green issues. However she's not so hopeful about the proposal to switch off street lights in the village at midnight. Joe interrupts their conversation to continue his beef with Lynda over her intention to charge ten Teas for lifts. It's hardly fair for her to charge the same price as lifts with Bartleby when he's carbon neutral. A fed up Pat makes an executive decision: they can both charge the same price. Downbeat Ed arrives home from the latest cattle testing to find he has a visitor. Emma wants to talk to him, and though he tries to discourage her she persists. She wants them to get back together. He thinks she's crazy even to suggest it after all that's gone before. She says she was totally wrong to treat him as she did. She loves him, she's sick of pretending, and wants to know if he feels the same. For a moment Ed almost weakens, but he can't let her do this; it's over between them. She leaves reluctantly, assuring him she loves him and always will. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.