
The Archers - 21/01/2009

Logo for The Archers - 21/01/2009

Nic has another go at driving manoeuvres with Will. She gets a bit better at reversing, but unfortunately wedges the exhaust against the kerb and damages it. She's mortified, but Will takes it to get it replaced. It had rusted through - Will reckons it was better this way than if it had happened when he was driving down a motorway. Jill takes her oranges and preserving pan round to Brookfield to make her marmalade in traditional style. Ruth watches and learns, but adds the sugar a bit hastily, to Jill's consternation. Meanwhile David drops in to Glebe Cottage with some crime statistics from the NFU, to find Phil making marmalade too - by his own scientific method, with thermometer and shredder. Unfortunately, the thermometer breaks and his marmalade is useless. Jill returns to find it all congealing in the bin. She is magnanimous - after all, she's learnt today that it doesn't much matter if you add the sugar all in one go. Phil is grumpy at first, but sees the funny side. David suggests he sticks to cakes in future. Episode written by Joanna Toye.