
The Archers - 17/08/2008

Logo for The Archers - 17/08/2008

Chris meets Alice at the riding course with a CD for her. He's quick to point out that it's just a favour, it's what mates do. When Alice pops into the shop later Susan's keen to get information from Chris about their friendship. Chris is giving nothing away. He says that whatever happens in his love life, he can't make as much of a mess of it as his sister has. Despairing Clarrie tells Emma that Will's leaving and he's not even sure he will see George before he goes. Emma immediately takes George to the release pens and suggests to Will that they go for a walk. Reluctantly Will agrees. Emma tries to reassure Will that she still cares about him, and pleads with him not to shut them all out, for George's sake. She suggests that she can bring George to Gloucester for visits, but Will says he'd rather his mum and dad brought George. He can't handle seeing Emma, or the thought of her with Ed. He knows other blokes wouldn't feel this way, but he can't help it - he can't bear it, not all over again. Episode written by Joanna Toye.