
The Archers - 13/05/2009

Logo for The Archers - 13/05/2009

Eddie and Joe are staking out Grange Farm, waiting for Oliver and Caroline to leave. Sid finds them hiding in the hedge and tells them Caroline and Oliver are off to France. Alistair's been checking the game birds with Will. Will tells him the Borchester Land board will be touring the shoot on Friday. Alistair asks Nic if she's entering the single wicket competition, but she's not keen. Nervous Will rehearses his talk with reassuring Nic. In the Bull. Alistair worries to Sid about the single wicket. He and Shula can't organise an exciting whole-village event on their own. Sid says he only had to ask - he and Jolene will help. Eddie and Joe are in a Grange Farm field with their metal detector. Ed finds them and isn't happy - they haven't asked Oliver's permission. He tells them to leave but at that moment the detector starts beeping. Eddie and Joe find buttons and a belt buckle. Ed isn't impressed, agreeing there's no need to tell Oliver. He leaves. Joe tells Eddie he thinks they might be valuable. Eddie tells Joe to look them up on the computer. He might as well; they won't be allowed back there in a hurry. Episode written by Tim Stimpson.