
The Archers - 12/01/2010

Logo for The Archers - 12/01/2010

Vicky's got over her disappointment about not going with Mike and apologises for her outburst. She just wants him to drive carefully. Mike's touched when she gives him a picnic for the journey. But it turns out to be Vicky who loses control of her car in their lane, and she phones Mike in a panic. Fortunately he's almost home, and is able to help push her out. Vicky and Ed are delighted to hear that Mike got a great deal on a pasteuriser. It's cause for celebration. Kenton's been on a course for the level two national certificate for personal licence holders. Susan questions Kathy about her role as secretary of the community shop committee, and wonders if Pat has something more in mind for Kathy. Pat's pleased that Oliver's happy to be on the committee if he's elected. Kathy thinks Brian's diverse business experience could prove useful but Pat's not sure a community non-profit making business would be Brian's cup of tea. Kathy thinks it's important they spread the work out, so it doesn't all land on Pat's shoulders. Pat agrees. They need to cross their fingers that Susan doesn't throw too many spanners in the works. Episode written by Simon Frith.