
The Archers - 11/05/2009

Logo for The Archers - 11/05/2009

Lynda and Jill agree that Joe has gone too far with his idea for the plinth. This spurs them on more than ever. Ruth is aghast when she hears that Lynda wants Jill to practice at height, and rushes off to get David. He can't believe what Lynda is getting Jill into and a compromise is reached. Lynda reluctantly agrees, and Jill manages to put in a great performance after a few tweaks and suggestions from Lynda. Helen confides to Kirsty that she had a dreadful time out clubbing with Annette and spent Sunday recovering from the worst hangover for years. Helen is torn about her feelings and being responsible for Annette. Kirsty tells her not to feel guilty at all. Annette is not her problem. Kenton is missing Meriel - she's growing up so quickly and it's been a while since they've seen each other. Lynda sympathises with Jill, who must miss her too. Jill says she's lucky as all her other grandchildren are close by. Lynda worries about her inadequacy as a grandmother and that she won't be of help to Coriander. Jill assures her she'll be fine. Love is the most precious thing you can bestow. Episode written by Tim Stimpson.