
The Archers - 07/06/2007

Logo for The Archers - 07/06/2007

Ruth's still narked that the milk yield results are better when Eddie's milking than when she does. When David drops in on Eddie milking to a back-drop of music it dawns on him that the cows must be responding to that, especially when Eddie explains he doesn't have music on when Ruth helps him. When David tells Ruth, she agrees to use music too but hopes it's not just Country and Western music that they respond to. Eddie tells David that Sid's furious with Tom for not being able to play cricket on Sunday - he's even considering taking his sausages off the menu. Brian's pleased to see Elizabeth and Nigel when they arrive in Dublin for Siobhan's funeral the following day. Brian's shattered and is finding it hard trying to keep up a front for Ruairi. He's dreading the funeral because not only will Ruairi will be sitting with Bridget and Niamh, but Tim will be there too. Later Elizabeth and Nigel visit Siobhan's coffin in the church. Nigel comforts Elizabeth, saying that part of Siobhan will always be around in Ruairi's sparkle; they can be there for him and help him have a lovely life - just like Siobhan wanted. Episode written by Joanna Toye.