
The Archers - 06/11/2009

Logo for The Archers - 06/11/2009

Ed's received his agreement from Borchester Land. He's feeling apprehensive but Joe and Eddie are confident he'll make a go of it. Emma's told Ed that David and Ruth have put the teapot right to the back of the dresser. Eddie wonders why, after all the trouble he went to. Joe drops a big hint for Christmas. If anyone's looking for ideas, there's plenty he'd like from the catalogue that's in the kitchen. Jennifer's been busy with Peggy, and ends up forgetting why she went to the village shop. When she remembers she should have told Susan about the parish council meeting, Brian reckons Susan will have heard about it by now. He still thinks the only option for Peggy is to convert the shop into a flat, so he's asked someone to do a costing. He wants to see what would be involved before he mentions it to Peggy. Jolene asks after Lilian and Matt, and Jennifer tells her they're on holiday - on one of the Costas. Brian thinks that's an interesting way to put it. He knows Matt will have considered missing the trial, so if Lilian stands by him, she might have to make some very big decisions indeed. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.