
The Archers - 06/10/2009

Logo for The Archers - 06/10/2009

Jim calls in at the Stables. Daniel is going to Phil's later to look at the Galaxy Zoo website. Jim says Phil's irresponsible, encouraging him to sit at a computer. He'll pick Daniel up from school in the Riley. Shula goes and Jim says they can build a rocket together. Later, Jim and Daniel start their countdown, but Shula approaches, stopping them in their tracks. What about the horses?! They protest but Shula won't budge. Maybe Daniel can ask to set it off at Brookfield. Ruth and David are worried about Pip. She looks tired and doesn't seem to have made any new friends at college. They agree they need to give it time. They chat about their soil analysis results. They're glad they had it done, so they can work towards better grass. Fallon meets Wayne in the shop. Wayne's so pleased about his record night last week. Later, Fallon tells Jolene loads of people have been asking for Wayne's night to become a regular event. She eventually agrees, but says Fallon should ask Sid. Ruth and David are chatting to Wayne when Fallon imparts the news that Sid's agreed. Wayne's delighted, and hugs Fallon. Fallon lightly says he mustn't let her down. Episode written by Nawal Gadalla.