
The Archers - 06/01/2009

Logo for The Archers - 06/01/2009

Nic visits Will at the Gloucestershire shoot. As they walk around it, Nic tells Will she's sad to think of him there on his own. He says he'll run her home later. He needs to tell his mum about them. At Keeper's Cottage, Eddie's ignoring Clarrie's requests for him to call Brian. Clarrie insists they need the money, but Eddie says Brian must apologise. Eddie asks Clarrie if she's heard from William. He's heard rumours that he and Nic are back together. Jennifer helps Brian in the lambing shed, but insists they can't go on like this. Why can't he phone Eddie? Jennifer says he may be too proud to, but she's not. Jennifer arrives at Keeper's Cottage. Jennifer and Eddie agree that Brian won't apologise by phone, but if Eddie was to come to Home Farm? Clarrie announces that if Eddie won't do his shift, she will. Eddie grudgingly goes to get his overalls, and Will arrives. He tells Clarrie about Nic. She's unsure but says she's very happy for him. Eddie arrives at Home Farm. Brian apologises through gritted teeth. Clarrie phones Eddie, telling him about Will and Nic. She's worried - he was so hurt last time, she doesn't want that happening again. Episode written by Simon Frith.