
The Archers - 04/10/2009

Logo for The Archers - 04/10/2009

Alistair and Shula are outside the shop. Jim's taken Joe out in the Riley, so they can enjoy Sunday lunch without him! Peggy comes out of the shop and stops to chat, something she misses. She tells Alistair she hears his cricket captaincy's in the balance. Jim calls Shula. The Riley's broken down. He's going to be late for the start of the cricket AGM. Shula tells Jim he'd better vote for Alistair. At Grey Gables, Alistair's nervous. Robert, who's chairing, tells Alistair not to worry. He'll get plenty of votes. But Alistair thinks he's setting himself up for total humiliation. Adam appears and they shake hands. The vote begins and Robert has trouble counting the votes - it looks very close. Just as he thinks he's got it right, Jim appears. He votes for Alistair, so the vote is then tied. Robert uses his casting vote in favour of Alistair. Later, Jim congratulates Alistair, but tells him he could take some tips from Adam. Jennifer calls Peggy, who sounds exhausted. Jack doesn't want to go to bed much before midnight at the moment. Jennifer asks if Peggy would like her to come over, but Peggy says she doesn't want to disrupt Jack this late. She'll be fine. Episode written by Nawal Gadalla.