
The Archers - 04/02/2010

Logo for The Archers - 04/02/2010

Mike's pleased that Neil's standing for chair of the parish council, and assures Neil he'll get his vote. Susan thinks Annette wants to leave early tomorrow to go for a second interview somewhere. Susan's frustrated when she receives another negative response from a job application. Neil tries to be positive but Susan believes she's been too accommodating. Maybe it's time to make a claim for unfair dismissal from her job at the shop. Eddie can't understand how Will knew he needed the money to buy a new van. Clarrie innocently remarks that William's always been quick on the uptake. Ruth and David are in Borchester with time to spare, so decide to pick up Pip from college. They see her kissing a much older man, who they assume is a tutor. David's furious. Ruth realises it might be Jude and insists they drive off. David is shaken to learn it was, indeed, Jude. Pip can't understand why they don't want her to be happy. Jude is only in his early 20s. Pip storms to her room. Ruth points out the age difference between her and David but he insists this man is simply too old to be going out with their daughter. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.