
The Archers - 02/01/2009

Logo for The Archers - 02/01/2009

Usha's at Brookfield. She tells Ruth she's sad that Mabel doesn't like that she's Hindu. It feels like she doesn't like her full stop. David appears. He says he's not stopping - it's the NFU meeting this morning, and he's the new deputy chair. Mabel finds Shula in the churchyard. Mabel asks about her resignation as a churchwarden. She asks if it's because of Usha and Alan. Shula says she feels alienated from the church. She asks Mabel how she's come to terms with it all. Mabel tells her Alan and Amy are family - it's her duty to support Alan. Mabel believes it's possible Usha will convert to Christianity. Mabel tells Shula she needs to forgive Usha for whatever's happened between them. This might help her through her spiritual dilemma. The NFU meeting goes well, though David realises what a huge responsibility he has, with everyone's problems to solve! He's worried he'll disappoint people but Ruth says she's very proud. Mabel's taxi arrives, and Alan and Usha wish her well. As soon as she leaves, they breathe a sigh of relief. Usha's sorry she's found the visit so hard, but Mabel can't mask how she really feels. Alan tells her Mabel will come round in the end. Episode written by Caroline Harrington.