
Show Me Show Me - Series 2 - Haircuts and Hedgehogs

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Chris and Pui investigate and explore within their magical playroom in the sky, and with the help of their favourite toys, bring objects and ideas to life. Chris and Pui are playing hairdressers, but what style will Pui choose? A friendly hedgehog drops in. How about a nice spiky haircut? Chris and Stuffy open a hairdressers but Pui just can't decide how to have her hair cut - perhaps she'll get some ideas looking through the telescope. Teddington and Tom get great new hairstyles but poor Pui still hasn't had her haircut - perhaps Stuffy's got some more ideas? How about a haircut that's spiky like a hedgehog? Pui and Chris snuffle around the playroom looking for spiky hedgehogs. And what's that hiding on the balcony? It's a real hedgehog come to say hello and she's brought her babies. The Hey Diddle Cow calls into the shop - can the shopkeeper help her make a hedgehog?