
Safety Catch - Series 2 - If A Job's Not Worth Doing

Logo for Safety Catch - Series 2 - If A Job's Not Worth Doing

Laurence Howarth's black comedy of modern morality set in the world of arms dealing. Simon is totally convinced this week that he is in the right job and has a duty not only to stay there, but to do his job sloppily. His reasoning for this is that if he wasn't there doing the job badly then someone else would be doing it well and that would be a much worse scenario. Then he has the awful, soul shattering realisation, and one which is something every person in Britain would be ashamed to admit, that he actually loves his job. Boris of course is in heaven at the thought of a soul-mate at work, but Simon decides the only way he can go on is to learn to hate again. Cast: Simon McGrath.............................Darren Boyd Anna Grieg..................................Joanna Page Boris Kemal...............................Lewis Macleod Judith McGrath..............................Sarah Smart Angela McGrath............................Brigit Forsyth Madeleine Turnbull........................Rachel Atkins Richard...........................................Dan Mersh Julius........................................Nyahsa Hatendi Written by Laurence Howarth Produced by Dawn Ellis.