
Morning Extra - Pole dancing ads & capital punishment

Logo for Morning Extra - Pole dancing ads & capital punishment

Should job centres advertise vacancies in lap dancing clubs? A Dumbartonshire job centre is advertising vacancies for pole dancers. However, a charity which supports women who've suffered abuse has accused the government of acting as a "pimp" for the pornography industry. Is this state-sponsored pornography, or a normal, respectable part of the leisure business? Plus: Is it time to bring back hanging? 50 years ago today at 8am, Peter Manuel was hanged by the neck until he was dead. Aged just 31, he was Scotland's first modern-day serial killer. In an orgy of violence between 1956 and 1958, he was responsible for at least eight killings, although convicted of only seven. 50 years on, and with DNA and all the other tools at the disposal of the police, is it now time to bring back the death penalty? Graham Stewart takes your calls, texts and emails.