
Morning Extra - Do you want a referendum on independence?

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"Bring it on!" says Wendy Alexander. Signalling a shift from previous comments, the Scottish Labour Party leader told the BBC's 'Politics Show Scotland' that the SNP should have the "courage of its convictions" and hold its referendum on independence without delay. Should Labour call the First Minister's bluff and kill the whole independence issue stone dead? Or is now the time to stand up and take full control of our country? And if there is to be a referendum, how many options should be on the voting paper? Plus: Do you feel safe on the streets? Dangerous criminals are being placed in low security open prisons due to overcrowding, at "massive" risk to the general public. Colin Moses, of the Prison Officers Association, tells the BBC's Panorama programme tonight that he fears prisoners are not being "properly assessed". Graham Stewart (standing in for Gary Robertson) takes your calls, texts and emails in the new extended Morning Extra, which gives you a chance to comment on more of the day's big news stories.