
Mongrels - Episode 6

Logo for Mongrels - Episode 6

Adult multi-species puppet comedy about five urban animals who hang out together in the back yard of an inner city pub. Starring Nelson, a metrosexual fox; Destiny, a pretentious pedigree It-bitch Afghan hound; Marion, a freshly-neutered wannabe tomcat; Kali, a deeply cynical pigeon; and Vince, the neighbourhood sociopath. Created by Adam Miller, developed by Jon Brown, Adam Miller and Daniel Peak, written by Jon Brown and Daniel Peak, and featuring the voices of Rufus Jones, Lucy Montgomery, Dan Tetsell, Katy Brand, Paul Kaye and Ruth Bratt. Puppets created by Talk to the Hand. Urban fox Nelson goes to the rubbish dump to save his tomcat friend Marion- and falls for disgusting vixen Sandra. Sandra is truly revolting but because she's on heat Nelson thinks she's the most beautiful fox he's ever laid eyes on. Thankfully, Marion has still got his senses. He tries to save Nelson from mating with the wrong woman. Afghan hound Destiny persuades her owner Gary to enter her into the local dog show, at last. But when she gets infected with boorish fleas who delight in quoting comedy catchphrases, she struggles with her preparations for the canine intelligence round. Destiny decides to pull out until the fleas persuade her that they have the brains to help her win. Pigeon Kali decides to protest against the new anti-pigeon spikes that Gary has put down to reduce vermin, by throwing herself upon them. Finding Kali impaled, Gary looks after her, and feeds her up to several times her normal size. Guest star: Chris Hughes Song: Breaking Up is Such a Faff.