
Mischief - Series 2 - Bust My Ass

Logo for Mischief - Series 2 - Bust My Ass

Are we living in a Big Brother State? Journalist and all-round troublemaker Sam Delaney thinks so. Sam discovers that, under a New Labour government, you can get nicked for practically anything - from a bit of mild heckling to wearing the wrong T-shirt. Meanwhile over four million CCTV cameras are monitoring your every move. Sam decides to fight back and assembles a band of unlikely New Labour criminals, who have all been nicked for ridiculous new crimes. He is on a mission to help them do what they want, without getting arrested. But it's amazing the lengths to which they have to go to stay within the law in Blair's Britain. Sam has to enlist the help of a barbershop quartet, a bunch of Albanians and the Shadow Attorney General.