
Marc Riley - 08/10/2009

Logo for Marc Riley - 08/10/2009

Tonight we've got Welsh Chanteuse Cate Le Bon in for her 2nd session. Sweet Baboo (another of Marc's regular guests) recommended Marc get Cate in for a live session and quite frankly we've never looked back since. One amazing lady. She is from the tight knit Cardiff musical community and sings in both English and Welsh. Her debut album "Me Oh My" is out in this week. (5th October) She first gained public attention when she supported Gruff Rhys (of the Super Furry Animals) on his 2007 solo UK tour. She has since played Glastonbury, Latitude and the Green Man Festival. She appeared as a guest vocalist on Neon Neon's 2008 single 'I Lust U' (from their album Stainless Style). Not content with The Cardiff Ice Queen (copyright Marc Riley) we've got Timperley Hot Stuff Rob Hughes who'll be joining us for his regular Parallel Universe spot. He'll have a copy of a music magazine from yester-year to cogitate over. We've also got J Tillman in session ... he's the one that sits at the back of the stage when Fleet Foxes are performing .. or he's their drummer!! We're all very excited!!!