
MacAulay and Co - 04/08/2010

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Fred will be giving some helpful pointers to Radio 1's Scott Mills as he prepares for his stand-up debut at this year's Edinburgh Festival A new study has suggested that many of us have created false childhood memories, we'll be talking to the report's creator and seeing if 8 times world memory champion Dominic O'Brien can remember more of his childhood than the rest of us Professor Robert Bartlett, presenter of new BBC Two series The Normans, will be telling us about 1066 and all that Myleene Klass is the latest celebrity to be seen sporting an invisible brace on her pearly whites, we'll find out more about this latest trend in dental cosmetics We'll be joined by fashion writer Cara Kennedy to discuss what your slogan T-shirt really says about you And our TV guide Graeme Virtue will be casting his critical eye over The Deep. Just don't get him started about James Nesbitt's facial hair.