
Kill It, Cook It, Eat It - Series 3 - Duck

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Julia Bradbury hosts a series which follows the journey of wild game from the field to the fork, as nine contributors find out what is involved in the shooting, butchering and preparing of game for their dinner. Set against the backdrop of the Highland estate of Balavil, the hunts take us into the little understood world of wild game hunting, part of a no-holds-barred exploration of the issues surrounding the killing and cooking of wild animals for our pleasure and for food. The nine novice hunters go back to basics, bypass the supermarkets and go out to the Highlands to kill, cook and eat wild duck. Vegetarians, fast food addicts and food connoisseurs challenge themselves to confront the ethical issues of taking another animal's life to feed the nation's ever increasing appetite for meat. They face an intensive gun training session before heading to the ponds to shoot mallard at dusk. Can they deal with the prospect of shooting, plucking and butchering wild animals and do they have the stomach to eat the ducks they might eventually kill?