
Hotel Babylon - Series 4 - Episode 7

Logo for Hotel Babylon - Series 4 - Episode 7

James's future lies in Gino's hands when they are tasked with overseeing the extravagant funeral of a VIP guest. Juliet has promised James a promotion if the event is a success, but an ill-timed comment by Gino is set to blow James's chances altogether. An old flame of Juliet's is staying at Babylon and is keen to rekindle their relationship. Juliet is delighted, but for Sam it throws up unexpected feelings of jealousy. Meanwhile, Sam embarks on a loveless one night stand with a hotel guest but when Juliet's hopes are dashed after discovering that her ex is married, it's Sam that pursues her now... Elsewhere, Ben exposes an impostor in the hotel posing as a hotel receptionist.