
Fags, Mags and Bags - Series 1 - Wall of Crisps

Logo for Fags, Mags and Bags - Series 1 - Wall of Crisps

Sitcom written by and starring Sanjeev Kohli and Donald McLeary, set in a Glasgow corner shop. The Wall of Crisps welcomes another snack to its ranks. However, the Chutney Windmills bring more trouble than they are worth. Ramesh ...... Sanjeev Kolhi Dave ...... Donald McLeary Alok ...... Kayvan Novak Sanjay ...... Omar Raza Derek ...... Tom Urie Mrs Kilgour ...... Marjory Hogarth Sandy ...... Gavin Mitchell Keenan's mum ...... Leah McCrae Directed by Colin Gilbert.