
Fags, Mags and Bags - Series 1 - The De-Magowaning of Ramesh

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Sitcom written by and starring Sanjeev Kohli and Donald McLeary, set in a Glasgow corner shop. Ramesh is delighted as he teaches his son Sanjay some of the finer arts of shopkeeping. But is his eagerness only due to the fact that he wants to borrow his dad's Merc? Ramesh ...... Sanjeev Kolhi Dave ...... Donald McLeary Alok ...... Kayvan Novak Sanjay ...... Omar Raza Derek ...... Tom Urie Keenan ...... Marjory Hogarth Ted ...... Gavin Mitchell Keenan's mum ...... Leah McCrae Mrs Gerber ...... Maureen Carr Directed by Colin Gilbert.