
Cuairt le Calum - Na Biatagan Dubha (Lofty and the Otters)

Logo for Cuairt le Calum - Na Biatagan Dubha (Lofty and the Otters)

Gaelic children's series. Bob gets busy on a smaller job than usual. Dizzy is laying wet cement, and Lofty is collecting water from a nearby river in a bucket. He sees some otters trying to cross the still-wet road. Giving the otters a lift in his bucket, he moves them safely to the other side. Lofty is concentrating so hard he doesn't realise his wheels have gone into the cement. Lofty is worried what Dizzy will say when she sees it. Bob assures Lofty that she'll say 'well done' for looking after the otters so kindly.