
Choral Evensong - 31/08/2008

Logo for Choral Evensong - 31/08/2008

From St Gertrude's Church, Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands with the Royal School of Church Music Millennium Youth Choir. Introit: Venite exultemus Domino (Sweelinck) Lucenarium: The song of God among us (Huijbers) Psalms: 141, 105 vv1-15 (Ogden, Vaughan Williams) Domine, Deus, meus (Sweelinck) First Lesson: Exodus 3 vv7-12 Organ: Psalm 140 (Sweelinck) Second Lesson: Luke 21 vv21, 34-36 Magnificat (Sweelinck) Responsary: Qui vult venire post me (Sweelinck) Anthem: Valiant for truth (Vaughan Williams) Hymn: Who would true valour see (Monk's Gate) Organ Voluntary: Basso ostinato (Dick Koomans) Organist: Daniel Moult Director of Music: David Ogden.