
Book at Bedtime - Neglected Classics: The Rector's Daughter - Episode 6

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Juliet Stevenson reads F M Mayor's unfairly Neglected Classic, the story of a plain, reliable parson's daughter whose life of duty and service is thrown into confusion by an unexpected and unsought love affair. Today, an uncontrolled moment of passion. After an increasingly unhappy time at home, Kathy abandons Robert for the Riviera, leaving him to ponder their marriage - and dream of what might have been with Mary. The Reader is Juliet Stevenson Abridger Sally Marmion Producer Di Speirs F M Mayor's masterful novel, The Rector's Daughter, is a rare thing - a novel with a deceptively small canvas, set in the backwaters of a dull East Anglia a century ago, but still as fresh as ever. Much loved by those who have discovered it, it now comes to Radio 4 as one of the Open Book listeners' Neglected Classics.