
A Gharaids - Series 1 - Episode 5

Logo for A Gharaids - Series 1 - Episode 5

De a thachras nuair a chuireas tu luchd-ciùil a tha air leth sgileil anns a ghnè ciùil aca fhèin còmhla ri feadhainn eile a th'air am bogadh ann an traidisean agus ghnè eadar-dhealaichte. Is docha gu bheil am freagairt anns A' Gharaids. Tha difir luchd-ciùil dhan toirt còmhla anns A' Gharaids agus da là aca airson càirdeas agus cèol a chruthachadh. An t-seachdain sa Seoras Caimbeul, Prakriti Dutta agus Nigel Richard. The Garage Project explores the artistic process of musical fusion. The ingredients include Gaelic musical tradition, a diverse handful of other musical genres and passionate advocates of each. Each show spans an intense two-day relationship-building and music-making process, from initial discussion through to final performance. Taking up the challenge this time are Seoras Campbell, Prakriti Dutta and Nigel Richard.